Murray Street Dental


All calls to Murray Street Dental Practice are monitored for training purposes.

Monday Thursday:


Selected Saturdays:


8:30 AM – 4:45 PM

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Opening hours

For emergency appointments, phone us at 8:30 AM and hopefully, we can fit you in on the same day.

If you require emergency treatment outside of normal working hours; please ring the practice on 01554 774768 and follow the instructions on the answerphone.

Monday Thursday:


Selected Saturdays:


8:30 AM – 4:45 PM

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

8:30 AM – 12:30 PM


Opening hours

For emergency appointments, phone us at 8:30 AM and hopefully, we can fit you in on the same day.

If you require emergency treatment outside of normal working hours; please ring the practice on 01554 774768 and follow the instructions on the answerphone.